
5 myths stopping people from transitioning into the tech industry

In this article, we explore and debunk five popular myths people believe about transitioning to a career in the tech industry. Some of these myths have held people back from pursuing their passions and securing the bag. We explain why they are untrue.

Myth 1: You need a degree in computer science or to be good at math and the sciences to successfully pursue a career in tech. 

Well, you do not need to. While having a degree in any desired field, you can take courses online or enroll in programs like the NITDEV training to be successful in the tech space. Also, tech roles like design, product management, marketing do not require a proficiency in math or science.

Myth 2: Tech is all about coding.

This is as false as myths can get. Yes, coding is required in certain tech roles but it is definitely not the only thing that tech is about. In fact, there are a lot of no-coding roles in tech. You can check out this post on our social media page that highlights some no-coding tech roles.

Myth 3: Tech has opportunities mainly for men. 

This is again- not true. There are many women who are thriving in the tech industry. There is certainly no gender preference for carrying out responsibilities in the tech space. All that is required is the skill set for the work. For that, there is no gender bias. In this article by the techjury, Only 37% of tech startups have at least one woman on the board of directors. This fact highlights that this myth is still crippling some women from pursuing roles in tech.

Myth 4: You have to be young to work in tech.

You might have wondered if only young people work in tech. While it might be true that most young people are trying to switch into tech and that most start-ups are owned by young people, there are also people in their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond that work in tech. The rise in the number of young people in tech now is due to the increasing popularity of the industry.

Myth 5: In tech, there’s no room for creativity.

There are a lot of creative jobs in tech! Even tech roles that require coding still leave room for creativity. You might ask, “how?”. There are different ways to write a code to execute one task. It is up to the developer’s creativity to decide how to write the code to execute the task. Also, jobs like graphics design, UI/UX design, animation making etc., allows for lots of creative expression.

Hopefully, this article has encouraged you to take the step to pursue a career in tech if you were hesitant. If not, hopefully, this article enlightened you on what the real truth covered by the mentioned myths are.

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