Whether it’s the “vroom vroom” of the blender at home or the noise of your siblings or children or even your electricity provider’s decision to cut off power supply at any time , there are countless occurrences that can reduce your efficiency as a remote worker working from home. The factors that could affect your productivity are endless and are often left to chance when working from home. There is a continuous rise in the number of remote workers and remote jobs available and while many of those in this population work from their homes, some have now seen reason to make use of co-working spaces. 

Globally, 52% of workers work from home at least once every week.

(Owl Labs)

In this blog post, we’ll share with you some of the reasons why you should decide to use a co-working space as opposed to your living room.

A co-working space is every remote worker’s dream even if they don’t realize it yet. The benefits are unmatched and priceless. If you’re still in doubt, you could try out our co-working space located in UNILAG, Lagos. It’s very affordable with 24/7 electricity, high speed unlimited internet, ergonomic chairs and the best community! A day or two with us will only cause you to return.